Sep 1, 2021

Security Coordinator- Niger

Employer: COOPI
Location: Niger
Closing date20 Sep 2021

COOPI is looking for a Security Coordinator in Niger

COOPI has been present in Niger since 2012 with a coordination office in Niamey, and field bases in Diffa, Agadez, Maradi, Tahoua and Tillabéry.
Currently, COOPI is working in the Diffa region in the sectors of protection , mental health , and ** education ** in emergency situations; in Niamey and Agadez in mixed migration with the management of transit huts and psychosocial support for refugees and migrants; in the regions of Tillabéry and Tahoua through RRM health / nutrition and EiE interventions; in the Maradi region with protection interventions.

The main donors are the EU, ECHO, Swiss Cooperation, Italian Cooperation (AICS), OFDA and United Nations agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO).

Main objective
Under the supervision of the Head of Mission (CdM), the Security Coordinator's main task is to guarantee the security of all COOPI staff, activities and property in Niger. The Coordinator will be based in Niamey with regular trips to the intervention areas . The Security Coordinator is also in charge of the creation and development of the COOPI Security Department in the Country in close coordination with the Head of Mission.

Security Department
In collaboration with the head of mission, definition of needs, recruitment and induction of the Country security team;
Development of the security management policy in the Country, in collaboration with the Head of Mission and the Security Advisor;
Definition of roles and responsibilities with regard to safety management;
Continuous supervision and supervision of Country security officers, including guards and drivers.

Analyzes and Reports
Report on a daily basis to his superiors concerning the evolution of the context;
Monitor and analyze the country context, in particular the areas concerned by the programs and the presence of COOPI teams as well as the subjects that may have an impact on the activities and access of the teams to the beneficiaries;
Regularly analyze and update COOPI's vulnerabilities in its areas of intervention;
Analyze the vulnerability and the possibilities of access of the organization vis-à-vis particular areas (potential new areas of intervention, assessment areas for example) at the request of its hierarchy;
Alert the CdM in the event of a risk to programs or personnel, or in the event of an increase in the vulnerability of the organization;
Alert immediately in the event of a drastic change in the context or significant incidents;
Coordinate and ensure the writing of incident reports during accidents and send them to the CDM and Security Advisor (HQ);
Advise and propose solutions (in particular to improve access to beneficiaries) proactively;
Maintains an up-to-date accident monitoring system (safety accident database).

Participate in meetings concerning security (UNDSS, OCHA, INSO, etc…);
Create, develop and maintain a contextual and security information and exchange network (NGOs, UN, authorities, Armed Forces, opposition groups, etc.) in the capital and in COOPI intervention areas;
Develop and maintain a security network with COOPI actors already present in the intervention areas;
Liaison with security actors in the area of ​​operation.

Safety Procedure (SOP)
Regularly update and monitor the Security Plan and ensure its compliance with COOPI security rules;
Propose, define and write new SOPs when needed on the mission;
Carry out regular field visits to verify the knowledge, application and validity of SOPs;
Ensure the proper use, operation, updating of equipment and practical safety measures (safety trunks, safe-rooms, etc.);
Correct any problems (explanation-training for staff, implementation, proposals for change or improvement of SOPs, etc.) and report to their superiors on the state of security on the bases;
Ensure the implementation and respect of the SOPs on the mission, in conjunction with the Logistics Department with regard to their technical and practical application as well as the monitoring of safety-related materials;
Contribute to the development of risk mitigation strategies, including the drafting or adaptation of SOPs (standard operating procedures) to the environment, Safety instructions and Contingency Plans.

Briefing and training
Brief all new staff (local and expatriate) on security rules and the intervention context, and provide them with essential documents according to the roles and needs of each;
Ensure the dissemination of the Constant Companion of the base / mission;
Train or organize training for staff on security management, the use of means of communication, security rules or any other support that can improve the security of the mission;
Remain available to staff in the event of a context or security-related support request and be proactive in the event of an identified need;
Remind staff of the safety rules whenever necessary.

Maintain daily contact with the field teams;
Organize security drills to improve the capacity of teams to deal with emergency situations;
Monitors and secures the movements of personnel in the field;
Maintains an incident reporting system;
Ensures proper compliance with procedures and implementation of Safety Plans.
Candidate Profile

Specific training / skills
Bachelor's degree in economics and management, logistics or a similar field;
At least 3 years of experience as a security and logistics manager within an NGO within the framework of emergency response projects;
Specific training on security and / or military training;
Very good compulsory French spoken and written;
Good knowledge of the English language.

Transversal skills
Sense of organization and teamwork;
Ability to work under pressure, independently and in an often uncomfortable environment;
Proficiency in common software (Word, Excel, Power Point);
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

Work experiences in French-speaking African countries;
Previous experience with COOPI and knowledge of its procedures.

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the expiry date of the advertisement. Thank you for your understanding.

How To Apply
Click here to send your CV and cover letter -