Aug 22, 2021

Law Enforcment Consultant - Southern Africa

Employer:   United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Location: Pretoria   , South Africa
Deadline:    25 August 2021

Law Enforcment Consultant for TIP and SOM in Southern Africa region,

Result of Service

A Provide technical assistance to SADC target countries in line with the work-plan currently being developed, including capacity building for law enforcement officers, criminal justice actors, national committees/focal points in selected countries to enhance investigations and full criminal justice chain responses on smuggling of migrants & trafficking in persons based on international standards
• Development of training package for training of law enforcement (4 working days)
• Basic trainings for law enforcement TIP & SOM for in at least 3 fora (regional or national) (14 working days)

B Provide technical and Operational support to Law Enforcement Officials during pre-planning & review of intelligence driven operations targeting trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants syndicates in SADC region in line with agreed technical assistance plan with the INTERPOL Regional Bureau for Southeren Africa
C Provide Case mentoring for investigators on on-going investigations related to smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons in line with agreed technical assistance plan with INTERPOL Regional Bureau for Southern Africa
D Output oriented final report for activities supported and any relevant annexuresWork 

Home Based

Expected duration
39 Working DaysDuties and Responsibilities

1. Background of the assignment

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSAF) implements a Regional Programme aimed at combating Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants. This project is run under collaboration with the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Secretariat. Under an EU funded Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) project which is a model of a ONE-UN approach collaborative effort between 4 UN development and humanitarian agencies: the ILO, the IOM, UNODC and UNHCR, whose
overall objective is to improve migration management in the Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supports Member States in domesticating the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, both protocols supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

Trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants are distinct crimes. The lines between the two may often be blurred though especially when they occur in mixed migration flows. A person may start their journey as an asylum seeker, for example, before seeking the help of smugglers and then being exploited as a victim of trafficking, while in need of refugee protection. According to the SADC regional statistical report (2004-2016), approximately 1,217 victims of TIP were officially reported to law enforcement agencies in the SADC region during the period 2004- 2016/7. It is believed that this is just a small proportion of cases of trafficking in persons as a number of cases are not identified and therefore, not reported. This is largely because of the complex and hidden nature of the crime. There are also cases where victims are rescued but are not interested in cooperating with law enforcement for purposes of investigation and prosecution of the offence.

In that regard, UNODC requires the services of a consultant (Law Enforcement Expert) to support the implementation of the law enforcement component of the programme with specific actions to providing technical support for detections, investigations, and prosecutions of smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons cases.

2. Purpose of the assignment

The purpose of the assignment is to support the work of UNODC against trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants in the SADC Region within the overall framework of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, both supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, as well as support the implementation of joint SADC-UNODC’s Regional Programme entitled Making the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region Safer from Crime and Drugs (2013 – 2023).Qualifications/special skills

Competency: - Demonstrated good drafting skills.
- Excellent communication skills.
Academic Qualifications: - An advanced university degree (Masters’ Degree in Law or equivalent, Criminology, Public Administration, Political Science, International Relations or a related field is required. A first level university degree or equivalent academic education, professional training with certification from a recognized international/national police, customs or other staff training institution, with specialization in criminal justice, crime prevention, criminal investigation, law enforcement, border management, border working techniques and/or other related areas, in combination with additional two years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree
Experience: - At least fifteen (15) years of professional work experience in law enforcement and investigation of organized crime, intelligence, etc., as well as practical experience in working in law enforcement crime units at the national and/or international level is required.
- Work experience on trafficking in persons and/or smuggling of migrants is required.
- Work experience in mentoring, training and supporting national agencies in charge of countering organized crime is desired
- Work experience in Africa in the field of law enforcement, is desired.
Language: - English and French are the working languages of the United Nations. For this post, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations Secretariat language is an advantage.

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