Mar 10, 2021

Safety, Security and Access Manager , Mexico

Employer: International Rescue Committee
Location: Mexico

Job Overview:

This position ensures that organizational security policies and procedures are responsive to 'IRC's intervention and context areas and are adequate and known to staff. The position also advises on humanitarian access approaches in close coordination with the Country Director and Field Managers/Coordinators. He/she will ensure and support the analysis of security trends in different areas of intervention. Training will be provided for staff to facilitate and implement security policies and other standard operating procedures and contingency plans related to incident prevention/management and safety and security of teams.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Safety and Security Management Planning

Ensure that all policies, procedures, guidelines, and planning related to staff safety, security, and program continuity in Mexico are formalized.

Develop a Security Management Plan (SMP) for the IRC Mexico Program.

Reference and ensure compliance to the IRC Security Management Framework within the SMP and all annexes (this can be done in coordination with the Regional/HQ security focal point).

Work with the Country Director (CD) and Field Managers/Coordinators to create and roll out Standard Operating Procedures and Contingency Plans related to team safety and security, in line with the Security Management Plan.

Conduct risk assessments of contracted and prospective offices and residences. Follow up on actions to be taken to ensure compliance with safety and security standards.

Provide continuous updates to guidance and technical input to programs on areas of operation (current and prospective), stakeholders, and context.

Support Field Managers/Coordinators in organizing base security roles and responsibilities.

Humanitarian Access Management

Support the CD and Field Managers/Coordinators to develop and maintain relationships with local authorities and key actors, in line with program design, to ensure that important stakeholders are well informed and involved in IRC programming in Mexico.

Provide technical input and advice to assessments in new geographic areas.

In coordination with the Country Director, liaise with relevant security actors (i.e. other NGO security coordinators, region/local UNDSS contacts, local community stakeholders, heads of local authorities, etc.) to ensure that the overall team is informed of changes in security trends and access within the country as a whole and in IRC areas of implementation.

Advise programs to ensure that IRC, its mission, and work in 'IRC's areas of operations is known and accepted (this depends on visibility and program strategies);

Monitoring, Analysis, and Supervision

Based on security SOPs, monitor activities in the field and revise if necessary, to ensure that IRC staff, operations, and facilities are safe.

Compile and submit the following reports regularly:

· Daily Advisories – these will be shared in the form of an e-mail when the subject poses no immediate threat to staff, operations, and facilities; these advisories will be shared by WhatsApp group/SMS/phone call or other agreed-upon modality when threat is immediate.

· Weekly Reports – these should include incident information that is relevant to the 'organization's current or future operations; links to relevant open source information may be included; most importantly, weekly reports will consist of a paragraph (no longer than one page) of analysis on the current situation/events and the effects of these on trends and possible changes in the scenario

· Monthly Security Report – this will have to be updated by the end of each month and shared with CD and Regional Safety and Security Advisor

· Incident and Event Report Tracking Sheet – this will need to be updated every time incidents and trends within the 'IRC's area of operation are recorded

Maintain both live and static movement maps (heat maps and risk maps) for Mexico updated and keep staff informed in weekly meetings.

Security & Access Training and Orientation

In coordination with the CD and Human Resources, the SSAM will be responsible for the delivery of the following training, orientations, interactions:

· Pre-Arrival security documentation to be shared with visitors and incoming staff prior to their arrival; they should also be offered an opportunity to contact the SSAM prior to arrival.

· On-Arrival Orientation should be provided to any IRC staff, visitor, consultant within 24 hours of arrival in the country.

· Safety and Security Training/Induction should be provided for all staff hired by IRC; this must be recorded in the training log; this may include Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs); Contingency Plans (CPs); Security Management; Incident Reporting; Prevention and Response Mechanisms; Communications protocols, etc.

Monitor, record, and update the IRC contact card (both the virtual file and Excel version), in coordination with HR and the Country Director.


3 to 5 years of experience related to international humanitarian assistance programs with demonstrated capabilities in planning, organizing, and executing humanitarian security operations in the field.

Understanding the humanitarian principles, code of conduct, and specific sub-sector work linked to NGO field and operations contexts.

Advanced knowledge in communications technology, including, satellite communications, cell phone mediums, etc.

Experience as a trainer/facilitator and develop, implement, facilitate and impart learning to a wide range of audiences.

Ability to gain a precise understanding of the various local, regional, country and international policies, operational positions and interactions, providing clear dynamic briefings and analysis of given and unfolding security and political situations when they occur.

Previous NGO security management an asset.

Excellent command of Spanish and English required.

Flexible and creative

Ability to work independently, self-motivation

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