Mar 25, 2021

Mission Security Officer - Macedonia

Employer: OSCE Mission to Skopje
Location: Skopje , Macedonia
Deadline: 13 April 2021

General Minimum Requirements
The general minimum requirements for working with the OSCE are:
Excellent physical condition
Possession of a valid automobile driving license and ability to drive using manual transmission
Ability to cope with physical hardship and willingness to work extra hours and in an environment with limited infrastructure

Field of Expertise Requirements
The general minimum requirements for working in this field of expertise are:
First-level university degree in a field related to security and safety matters or evidence of specialised training or proven experience in law enforcement, security and safety matters in a civilian or military environment
Ability to identify and analyse emerging security problems and propose solutions

Level of Professional Competence Requirements

Furthermore, this level of responsibility requires the following:


First-level university degree in a relevant field

Minimum 6 years of relevant professional experience

Mission Specific Requirements
Additionally, this particular post has specific requirements:

Good management skills and experience supervising staff in a multi-cultural environment
Flexibility and ability to work under pressure and within limited timeframes as well as the ability to solve problems effectively and efficiently
Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a member of a team, with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds, different gender, and diverse political views while maintaining impartiality and objectivity
Cultural sensitivity and judgment
Demonstrated gender awareness and sensitivity, and an ability to integrate a gender perspective into tasks and activities
Professional fluency in the English language, both oral and written
Ability to operate Windows applications, including word processing and e-mail

Previous experience in South East Europe
Previous experience working in post conflict environment
Knowledge of a local language or most common lingua franca spoken in the mission area

Tasks and Responsibilities

Under the guidance and direction of the Head/Deputy Head of Mission, the incumbent is responsible for the overall security management in the Mission by identifying and promoting best practices, more specifically:
Advising and assisting the Head/Deputy Head of Mission on all aspects of security management, crisis readiness and preparedness;
Preparing, developing, maintaining and regularly reviewing all categories of security risk assessment (SRAs), security plans, physical security surveys and other security management documents for the designated area of responsibility;
Identifying and monitoring trends of security incidents affecting OSCE personnel; conducting security surveys of staff residences and Mission premises, recommending appropriate arrangements to secure them adequately;
Initiating, conducting and monitoring the Security Risk Managements (SRM) process and other relevant requirements of OSCE security policies and guidelines, to enable the continued delivery of OSCE programmes particularly in crisis situations while ensuring the safety, security and well-being of personnel, and security of OSCE premises and assets;
Developing, maintaining and monitoring implementation of safety and security policies, SOPs, effective emergency plans for evacuation or relocation and other plans; ensuring the implementation of the approved security measures;
Leading and directing security operations; assisting in the response to crisis events and security incidents; providing security assistance to visiting OSCE Officials;
Serving as member of the Mission Crisis Management Committee, contributing to planning, implementation, evaluation of effectiveness of security planning, security operations and implementations of measures aimed at improving staff security and conduct of OSCE programme activities;
Conducting regular exercises to ensure the Mission is prepared for an emergency or critical incident (such as fire drills, communication tests, evacuation, earthquake etc.);
Ensuring good state of repair of all security and communication equipment in close co-operation with ICT;
Managing all aspects of the functioning of the Mission's 10-staff Security Unit, including participating in the selection, training and supervision of staff in the of the Security/Situation Centre unit; ensuring that established practices and procedures are duly followed by unit staff;
Establishing an effective and functioning security and emergency communications system; ensuring that Mission Members are kept informed on matters affecting their security and that appropriate arrangements are made for briefing of newly hired staff;
Maintaining communication and liaising with Host country authorities and agencies as well as with other international organizations in the area of operations. Liaising with other OSCE Security Officials, where appropriate;
Informing the Head of Mission and reporting to the Head of Security Management all significant security incidents in a timely manner and providing annual statistics on such security incidents while ensuring that the appropriate level of confidentiality is maintained;
Performing other tasks as assigned.

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