Mar 21, 2021

Base Security Officer - Mali

Employer: Acción Contra el Hambre
Location:  Gao , Mali
Duration: 12 months
Starting date: Immediately

Base Security Officer / GAO / 4568

General objective of the position: 
The Base Gao security referent ensures that Action Contre la Faim's security and safety policies and procedures are respected; By acting as a focal point for security information he / she contributes to mitigate and support the management of security risks to which ACF-Spain (ACF-E) personnel and their property are exposed, through identification, analysis and appropriate management of this security information. He supports teams in the development of security plans and strategies, as well as their implementation (acceptance, protection, deterrence, etc.), while ensuring constant evaluation and updating of tools. security management. The base security referent supports and provides advice, analysis and recommendations to the base manager, log base for security-related decisions, and ensure staff are knowledgeable, trained and follow security recommendations. The base security referent is based in Gao.

Main responsibilities:

Objective 1
: Gather and analyze information related to the context and security, and ensure their appropriate dissemination

Activity: Information gathering

- Map the actors of the Gao region.
- Build relationships and maintain a contact network to collect security information from actors such as OCHA, INSO, NGOs, government, Civil Society, Minusma, communities, etc ...
- Monitor and analyze local media.
- Ensure the documentation and systematic management of information relating to security and the context (eg political developments, changes in power dynamics between the different armed groups, etc.) in the Gao region, with particular attention paid to developments and events that could affect ACF-E's operations.

Activity: Represent ACF-E during security meetings in the Gao region

- Attend regular and ad hoc meetings related to security (UNDSS, OCHA, INSO ...)
- Organize and conduct safety meetings with the relevant actors in the intervention area.
- Meet and inform stakeholders to promote the values ​​and principles of ACF-E as part of the acceptance strategy.
- Work with the ACF-E team to ensure that an acceptance strategy is properly implemented, and support staff in its implementation (identify opportunities to increase acceptance, train staff on communication in the event of a hostile confrontation, etc.).

Activities : Information analysis.

- Analyze the risks and propose a reading / interpretation of the trends of the ACF security database and of primary and secondary information sources to develop the possible scenarios for each base.

- Prepare and present the scenarios and proposed actions to the security management team (DP, logCo and the responsible base manager).

Activity : Dissemination of information

- Update the Country Director and the security management teams on a daily basis on the security situation.
- If necessary, inform the rest of the staff of the missions of the security situation.
- Prepare a weekly, monthly and annual report related to the evolution of the context and incidents.
- Prepare and disseminate relevant security alerts and warnings to staff.

Objective 2: Assess, mitigate and monitor risks

Evaluate the security risks in the areas where ACF is working or planning to work (premises and programs included).
Propose specific security standards by zone for missions and activities to reduce and mitigate the risks identified.
Help the Base Chief in identifying relevant actors and building a solid information network that will facilitate base security management.
In the event of incidents, prepare and support the drafting of incident reports, transfer them to the base manager and ensure that they are added to SIRO;
Support the Base Chief in the management of security incidents;
Review the Terms of Reference before staff field visits.
Conduct exploratory missions as needed, in order to ensure, i) an appropriate risk analysis (MEX), II) that security risks are well considered and managed, iii) and that security recommendations are developed and followed ;

Objective 3: Train and sensitize teams on security issues and support them with regard to their security

- If necessary Train the base team on security issues according to their responsibilities, with particular attention to the acceptance strategy.
- Brief and Debrief the team on security issues.
- Follow up on the movements of teams in the field in terms of security.
- Take the necessary steps to alert the Base Manager in time to any change in the context in the areas where the teams operate;

Objective 4: Support the analysis and management of security in the Gao region in order to ensure a common commitment in the management of security in the region.

- Contribute to the development / update of the base security management plan, the evacuation plan and the circumstantial contingency plan;
- Be in contact with the various security focal points of the various NGOs in Gao and ensure regular coordination mechanisms for the sharing of information.
- Participate in field visit missions and make recommendations for security management in connection with the implementation of field activities following the various visits.

Objective 5: Support the grassroots in the communication strategy for access to humanitarian space

Activity: hold periodic meetings in the various localities of ACF intervention. Periodic information and discussion meetings with the various actors in ACF's intervention areas in order to facilitate access to humanitarian space through a communication system.

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