Jun 3, 2019

Security Advisor

Employer:  War Child UK
Location: London

Closing date: 17 Jun 2019

War Child is a growing organisation working in challenging environments, and we are looking for a Security Advisor to lead the security function across the organisation. Security of personnel and programmes is one of the biggest challenges to humanitarian activity, and the Security Advisor is primarily responsible for ensuring our people are safe and our programmes are delivered securely in high-risk countries. You have significant influence on programmatic decisions in assuring War Child’s duty of care obligation both in UK and overseas. Security management is about protecting and preserving the lives and wellbeing of War Child staff and partners, protecting assets and reputation, and delivering sustainable humanitarian assistance to children in conflict. You play a crucial role in enabling this.

The Security Advisor leads the security function ensuring War Child’s security management (HQ and country operations) is fit for purpose. Reporting to the Director of Programmes (DP) as well as direct and independent access to CEO and Audit & Risk Committee, you will implement effective strategies for risk mitigation, programme continuity, and protect all individuals engaged in War Child activity overseas. Internally, the role business partners to Heads of functions, SMT and Country offices providing meaningful information, analysis and subject matter expert advice. Externally, you engage with international security agencies and partner organisations overseas. You represent the organisation at international analytical fora, and significantly, you engage with War Child’s external commercial risk services facilitating a global crisis response capability. You are a core staff when resolving security incidents or crises, and closely support the Country Directors (CD), DP and CEO. You risk manage global travel of disparate profile staff and visitors.


For a full JD and an application form, please go to our website: https://www.warchild.org.uk/who-we-are/jobs/security-advisor