Dec 18, 2017

Extractives Lead - Elan , DR Congo

Employer: Adam Smith International
Location: DR Congo
Tracking Code987-112

Job Description


The Extractives LEAD is responsible for coordinating ELAN’s work with mines and mining suppliers. The aim of the position is to leverage opportunities to expand ELAN interventions through the mining sector, across all existing sectors. The Lead will develop a strategy to approach extractives actors, develop tailored material to promote ELAN interventions and develop new partnerships. The Lead will also be responsible for coordinating active interventions and encouraging their replication based on mines’ corporate social responsibility and local content policies.


ÉLAN RDC is a private sector development programme that aims to increase the incomes of over a million low-income men and women in the DRC by 2020. ÉLAN RCDC is implemented by the consultancy firm Adam Smith International and funded by the UK government as part of its private sector development strategy in the DRC.

We aim to build a more efficient and inclusive economy for the DRC. We provide international expertise and market insight to businesses, financial institutions and industry associations, supporting them to innovate and grow.

We follow a “market systems development” approach (also known as the “Making Markets Work for the Poor” (M4P) approach), which seeks to develop and promote sustainable and scalable solutions to systemic constraints in markets that prevent poor producers and consumers from benefiting from their participation in them.


The Extractives Lead will work across all sectors, with a focus on sectors that already overlap with mining companies: 1) Non-Perennial Agriculture, 2) Renewable Energy and 3) Branchless Banking.


Drawing on his/her expertise and experience in the field of extractives and local content, the Extractives Lead will develop and implement a strategy to leverage the extractives sector for ELAN interventions. The aim is to ensure opportunities with mines’ CSR programmes and local content policies are maximised, supporting the replication and scaling of existing ELAN interventions.

The mining sector, due to the scale of its operations and responsibility towards communities (legal and CSR), provides ELAN a unique opportunity to replicate and/or scale interventions in often remote areas. ELAN provides an opportunity for the mining sector to meet its local content and CSR objectives with greater efficiency and sustainability.


General responsibilities:
Program Management
Planning: (1) Coordinate workplans and activities with the PTMs, as well as relevant members of the Provincial, Monitoring, Results and Measurements, and Program Management teams as needed. (2) Formulate ideas and transitions them to reports and planning documents. (3) Use existing templates or create more intuitive tools to employ.
Execution/Trouble Shooting/Problem Solving: (1) As Partnership Agreements (PAs) are approved, ensure the timely allocation of disbursements and capture of necessary partner reports and materials. (2) Support and evaluate strategic, operational, and financial performance of partners and programs. (3) Provide ongoing technical and administrative support, identify issues (prioritizing and flagging those for the SLs or PTMs to address), and developing recommendation for adaptations to programs and processes.
Reporting/M&E: Trust in data and information is key. The Intervention Lead will ensure that all program-related materials are thorough, accurate, technically sound, and up-to-date on a monthly basis. In addition, they will play a key part in supporting client, partner, and internal reporting, as well as internal/external communications. Support in reporting includes, but is not limited to: Quarterly, Annual, ITTs (Intervention Tracking Tools), financial documents, weekly progress report to PTM, etc.
Finance: Bringing a solid financial background, the Adviser will be proficient in creating financial documents, reports, and business models.
Internal/External Relationship Management

Scheduling/Preparations/Logistics/Follow-up: Ensures proper prior planning of meetings and is concise and clear with communications before (scheduling and preparations), during (capturing notes), and after (dissemination of outcomes and action items). The goal is for consultant to provide thorough, timely, proactive, and responsive support for partners and non-partners.
Engagement: Interacting with stakeholders and partners is a critical aspect of this role. As such, the Intervention Lead must be a strong communicator (written and oral) with a command of the subject matter and acumen to engage at all levels. It is expected that the Intervention Lead will plan and participate in meetings and workshops both with and without the SL as appropriate. This includes logistics and outreach for regional, national, and international events.
Business/Partnerships/Strategy Development

Contribute to Strategy: (1) Provide technical input and recommendations for sector strategies; (2) Recognise opportunities for innovative action and contribute to an environment where alternative viewpoints are welcomed.
Proposal/Concept/Intervention Development: Developing Concept and negotiating project/intervention design and proposal preparation with the support Provincial Technical Managers and Sector Leads.

Supporting Consultants: As necessary, the Intervention Lead will support with drafting of Scopes of Work for short- and long-term consultants. In addition, they will support consultants before, during, and after the close out of their missions.
Strengthen the capacity of the provincial team in local content and extractives governance.

Specific Responsibilities:
The consultant will be responsible for the following technical inputs:

Extractives Engagement Strategy:
Evaluate existing activities on extractives in ELAN, centralise findings.
Identify entry points for ELAN based on mines’ existing policies.
Identify known and new opportunities for replication and scaling of ELAN interventions.
Communication and PECA strategy to approach new mining actors.

Develop tailored material for mines:
Design material to sell most promising interventions
Present to mining actors in private presentations and public fora

Develop and implement new interventions:
Design concept notes
Negotiate partnership agreements with mining actors

Coordinate extractives-related interventions:

Ensure different sectoral and provincial teams are coordinated in their approach to extractives actor

Masters degree qualification in a relevant field to development or extractives (economics, development, political science, business management or agronomy).
At least 4 years of experience working on mining and/or development, preferably in the context of development or CSR programmes.
Experience working with or on DRC mining companies.
Excellent analytical and team-working skills;
Excellent negotiation and relational skills to build partnerships with market actors and act as a facilitator in the market;
A proactive and transparent approach to research, collaboration and communication;
Ability to think strategically and design feasible interventions to address systemic constraints in a market system;
Oral and written fluency in French and English. Fluency in local languages (Lingala, Swahili, Kikongo, Tshiluba) desirable.


The consultant will report to: the Katanga Provincial Technical Manager on technical issues; the Project Management Team on all contractual and financial matters; and the Operations Team on all operational and security-related matters.