Dec 14, 2016

Security Focal Point

Employer: Concern Worldwide
Location: South Sudan
Closing date: 21 Dec 2016

Work Station: NGO Forum Secretariat, Tearfund Compound (with some field travel)
Reporting to: Secretariat Coordinator
Start Date: ASAP
Duration of Post: A commitment of at least 1 year, ideally 2 years is expected.
Salary: Competitive Salary

South Sudan NGO Forum Secretariat:

The South Sudan NGO Forum Secretariat supports the work of the NGO Steering Committee as elected representatives of the South Sudan NGO Forum, which currently includes around 150 international NGO members and nearly 200 national NGO members. The NGO Secretariat exists for the purpose of: coordination; information sharing; advocacy; engagement with Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GRSS), donors and UN; INGO – NNGO coordination and engagement on other vital issues regarding the operational environment, humanitarian relief, recovery and development.

The NGO Security Focal Point (SFP) has been a function of the NGO Secretariat as a full-time position since September 2008. For the past several years, the NGO Forum has grown substantially, both in terms of numbers of operating NGOs and staff members, but also in terms of increased needs arising from the complex operational environment. The SFP position supports the work of the NGO Forum on issues relating to the safety and security of NGO staff and operations and provides NGO representation on security issues in relevant external meetings.

The NGO Security Focal Point manages 1 International staff member - the Security Information Analyst.

Primary Functions:
The NGO Security Focal Point supports the work of the NGO Forum through the following key tasks:

Information Collection: (20%
Stay well informed with political, security, and economic developments in South Sudan, as well as the broader region.
Monitor security management and humanitarian-related research and publications.
Travel to State Capitals and other NGO concentrations in the field as needed. This may be a self-designed and independent assessment, or as a participant in a UN-led security assessment—sometimes to remote and/or high-risk areas.

Information Management & Coordination: (40%)

Collect and circulate pertinent security information through the NGO Forum security mailing list and other modes of communication. This is a full-time role during a security incident.

Collect and manage security information for our member organizations, including contact information and office/residence locations.

Publish regular Security Updates to circulate to Forum members.

Direct Security Information Analyst with the overall revision and management of various security products FAQ documents, and incident database.

Oversee the development of maps of NGO locations and security incidents.

Assist with contingency planning and scenario planning for NGOs, and ensure that the NGO community is fully accounted for in UN and diplomatic community contingency plans.

Develop and standardize “good practice” checklists for priority threats and share relevant security resources.

Assist coordinating NGO access to UN Security trainings.

Support the recruitment and cultivation of State-level volunteer security focal points. Strengthen NGO security coordination at the State-level.

Communication: (20%)

Facilitate NGO Security Meetings, briefings, task force meetings, or workshops as often as necessary and ensure information is disseminated to relevant stakeholders.

Help to ensure that all new NGOs are conversant with relevant security protocols and take security issues seriously.

Represent the NGO Forum at meetings with UNMISS, UN AFPs, donors, diplomatic corps, and other external stakeholders and advocate NGO security challenges and needs.

Support the Information Manager to expand and manage the security section of the NGO Forum website and mapping products.

Program Quality and Management: (10%)

Provide constant security assistance to NGO Forum member organizations. This may be at any time of day, via phone, email, or in person.

Support improved analysis of the overall security context.

Represent the NGO Forum at the UN Security Cell meetings and all other relevant NGO, UN, or government meetings.

Regularly update NGO staff numbers and areas of operation for NGOs and UNDSS/UNMISS contingency planning.

Support the development of briefing papers / tools for sharing of information on common security concerns as required.

Maintain a security resource database of security manuals, and other practical tools and documents accessible to NGO Forum members.

Partnership: (10%)

Ensure effective collaboration between the NGO Secretariat, UN, government, donors, national NGOs, and other stakeholders on security-related issues.

Develop and maintain productive relationships with key individuals in relevant government ministries and security organs, the diplomatic corps, international and national NGOs, UN Missions (UNMISS and UNISFA), UN Agencies/Funds/Programs (AFPs), donors, and other relevant individuals (private security companies, regional analysts, researchers, journalists, etc.).

Engage with global-level NGO security consortia and other security coordination mechanisms for information sharing and best practice approaches.

Required Qualifications and Personal Skills:

Bachelor’s degree in relevant field required. Master’s degree preferred.

At least five years working experience with NGO’s, either in an NGO safety and security manager/officer role or in an operational role. Experience in insecure / post-conflict contexts preferred.

Experience within an operational NGO strongly preferred. However, equivalent experience, including the UN, DPKO missions, diplomatic community, donors, national governments and others, will be considered.

Previous work experience in South Sudan is strongly preferred.

Solid understanding of the UN system, integrated missions, principled humanitarian assistance.

Strong analytical skills and demonstrated ability in writing briefing papers and other information products.

Flexibility, and ability to multi-task and improvise.

Strong ability to work within a diverse team as well to follow projects independently. Strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Excellent computer literacy, especially with MS Office products (Office, Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint, etc) and ideally including database management.