Mar 7, 2012

Security Advisors

Cardno Emerging Markets | Apply By 09 March 2012
Registration of Interest

Australian Civilian Corps Deployment Support Services

Security Advisers
The Australian Government, through AusAID, has established the Australian Civilian Corps (ACC), which is tasked with making a lasting contribution to the recovery efforts of countries affected by natural disaster and conflict. It will build on Australia’s history of providing specialist assistance in times of crisis such as that provided to Solomon Islands and East Timor. ACC personnel will be deployed at short notice and for fixed periods of time to fill the gap between humanitarian relief efforts and longer term deployment assistance. Importantly the ACC will provide the Australian Government with the ability to deploy expert civilian assistance expertise.

Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd have been contracted by AusAID to provide Deployment Support Services to the ACC. This includes a rapid, flexible, ongoing, global deployment support service to assist in the deployment and support of ACC personnel.

Cardno are seeking Registrations of Interest from suitably experienced and qualified individual Security Advisers.

Reporting directly to the Operations Manager, Security Advisers will be responsible for the coordination, direction, implementation, execution, control, and completion of specific deployments, ensuring compliance with the goals and objectives of the ACCDSS.

It is Cardno’s intention to establish a “pre-qualified” panel of Security Advisers who may be called upon to provide in-country support services for ACC deployments.

ROI documentation is available on the Cardno Website.

In accordance with ROI documentation responses must be received by Cardno by the closing date and time, which is 5.00 pm, Australian Eastern Summer Time (AEST) on Friday 9 March 2012.