Mar 4, 2012

PSS/Firearm Instructor , Baghdad - Iraq

Education Required:.
  • High School diploma or equivalent
Experience/Education Preferred:
  • Completed or served at least three (3) years experience in military, law enforcement or executive commercial protection.
  • One (1) year experience in personal protective assignments.
  • A minimum of one (1) year of experience working as a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Firearms Instructor. 
  • Provide verifiable evidence of successful training and work experience.
  • Evidence of formal certification as an instructor in necessary areas, such as firearms, EOD, etc.
  • Worked on other U.S., federal, state, or local government training assignments.
  • Experience can be gained in the employ of any national, State/Provincial, Local or commercial entities providing high threat protective services.
Experience 3 - 5 years

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