Mar 4, 2012

Invitation to Pre-Qualify - Security Service Provider

Closing date: 09 Mar 2012

Save the Children UK
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ITP reference number GSS-002-2012
The Save the Children Fund (SCUK), Save the Children US (SCUS), Save the Children Sweden (SC S) and Save the Children International (SCI) invite your submission of a bid to become a pre-qualified supplier for Safety and Security services.

Bidders can bid for all or any combination of the services mentioned herewith.

Aim and Scope
The purpose of this tender is to pre-qualify and establish approved providers of Safety and Security Services possessing relevant skills, competencies and experience to provide Save the Children organisations with the Services 1 and 2.

Required Services
Service 1. Conduct of different types of safety and security trainings with scope and structure as defined in this document for the Regional Office and Country office staff members at multiple locations.

Service 2. Provision of Safety and Security management support in required locations on short term contracts.

Please review the documents available at
How to apply:

Bid responses must be received in the following format:
Two hard copies of bid must be submitted on headed paper.
Bids to be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to Kamran Saeed at the address below. The envelope should indicate the ITP reference number GSS-002-2012 but have no other details relating to the Bidder.

Save the Children require full completion of the “Safety and Security Services Bidder Response” documentation in order to regard the tender as compliant. Bids not comprehensively completed may be treated as void or additional information may be sought.

Please also provide references of last two clients to whom you have provided the services that you are bidding for. The reference check will be verified to ascertain the quality and nature of services provided by you.

Your return bid must be received at the address below not later than 1200 hrs on Friday 9 March 2012 ("the Closing Date"). Failure to meet the Closing Date may result in the bid being void. Returned bids must remain open for consideration for a period of not less than 60 days from the Closing Date.

Bidder shall bear all costs incurred in preparation and submission of bids.

Should you require further information or clarification on the tender requirements, please contact:

Kamran Saeed

Global Safety and Security Global Programmes Save the Children UK 1 St John's Lane London EC1M 4AR
