Nov 8, 2023

Safety and Security Consultant - Germany

Job location: Germany
Closing date30 Nov 2023

Purpose of assignment
The safety and security concept of organization will be further established and monitored during this assignment. This includes the evaluation of existing local security plans, the training of staff members abroad, the establishment of incident management teams at regional level and the further training of the crisis management team at head office level. With this the 
organization promotes an appropriate safety and security system which meets the needs for guidance and protection of its staff at all levels and all programmes worldwide.


The v supports people involved in violent conflicts on the path to peace and strives to help overcome war and violence. We are currently working with peace consultants in Germany as well as eleven other countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Our Academy for Conflict Transformation offers a learning space for professional, international peace work. Through dialogue events, educational work and campaigns, we actively advocate civil peace policy. The 
organization is recognized by the German federal government as a member of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) consortium. Our work is financed through public and private grants, donations and membership fees.

In order to meet its requirements with regard to safety and security the 
organization has defined a Safety and Security Risk Management Policy (SSRM), which defines the crisis and security conception of forumZFD, involvement, tasks and obligations of staff. With this forumZFD pursues the following objectives:Ensure the protection of employees from dangers and security risks and ensure adequate (best possible) support in case of a security incident or crisis situation.
Raise the awareness of international and national employees in the field and in Head Office regarding risks and safety issues.
The definition of tasks and responsibilities of staff in the field within the scope of the organization-wide security structures.
The overall improvement of the organization's ability to react to security and crisis management.

Besides this the 
organization has Local Security Plans (LSPs) for each programme and a Crisis Management Plan for the Head Office in place.

Scope of work

1. Monitoring and evaluation of existing LSPs.
2. Establishment of Incident Management Teams on programme level.
3. Security trainings and simulations in the programmes, considering the existing LSPs.
4. Crisis Management Simulation with the Crisis Management Team in the Head Office (at least one simulation per year, including an evaluation).
5. Security coaching and advice to Local Security Focal Points and Country/Regional Directors in programmes and to Heads of Programmes and Security Focal Points in Head Office.
6. Inhouse safety and security training on specific topics, as required.
7. Regular exchanges with the Local Security Focal Points on specific security-related topics.

Work plan

The anticipated duration of the contract and consultancy is 3 years. The consultant will work for the 
organization on the basis of an agreed number of consultancy days per year and on specified and mutually agreed Terms of Reference.

Type of supervision that will be provided

The consultant will work under supervision of the Security Focal Person of the 
organization. The supervisor will have frequent interactions with the consultant at various stages in order to brief the consultant on the situation/assignment; agree on the process and clarify the deliverables; provide feedback and comments on intermediary products; and track the progress made by the consultant. The supervisor will evaluate the consultant’s work and certify delivery of work.

Qualification and specialized knowledge/experience required
Advanced university degree (Master) in psychology, social science or a related discipline.
Minimum five years of work experience in a conflict-prone and risk-prone country/region.
Demonstrated experience with conducting of trainings on issues related to safety and security in a development cooperation/humanitarian aid context.
Demonstrated experience in developing safety and security guidelines and trainings.
Demonstrated experience in working with organizations of the Civil Peace Service.

Personal/organizational competencies:
An excellent command of the English language – both written and oral.
Ability to produce quality work within a deadline and under pressure.
Highly developed communication skills.
Sensitivity towards needs of staff and organization in times of crisis.
A high level of organizational and coordination skills.
High level of attention to detail.

Place of work and official travel involved

The consultant will work on the basis of consultancy days. The consultancy requires regular visits of the 
organization Head Office in Cologne as well as visits to country offices for the conduction of the safety and security trainings. Thus, forumZFD determines that the Contractor needs to travel in order to perform this contract, that travel shall be specified in the contract and the Contractor’s travel costs shall be set out in the contract, on the following basis:

(a) The 
organization will pay for travel in economy class via the most direct and economical route; provided however that in exceptional circumstances, such as for medical reasons, travel on an alternative route may be approved by forumZFD on a case-by-case basis.

(b) The 
organization will reimburse the Contractor on the basis of the Federal Travel Costs Law of the German government (Bundesreisekostengesetz).

How to apply
Submit application to : (email is available to subscribers only )