Jul 27, 2022

Humanitarian Access Study Consultant - Darfur, Sudan

Organization: Geneva Call 
Job Location: Darfur, Sudan
Closing date29 Jul 2022

I. Mission
In situations of armed conflict, Geneva Call, as a neutral, impartial and independent international humanitarian organization, endeavors to strengthen the respect of humanitarian norms and principles by armed non-State actors, in order to improve the protection of civilians, while supporting local communities in their efforts to enhance their own protection. Appel de Genève/Geneva Call is a private, not-for-profit, humanitarian organization foundation under Swiss law, founded in 1998.

II. Overall objective of the evaluation mission
2.1. Overall Objective:

The study was built within the framework of an ECHO funded project in partnership with NRC, focusing on increasing protection for conflict affected populations in Darfur. The study will generate first-hand data and analysis on humanitarian access, highlighting the perspective of armed groups. The findings of the study will serve as critical information to inform Geneva Call’s project activities that aim to:

"increase the protection of populations affected by armed violence through humanitarian engagement with armed non-State actors on their obligations under International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and towards behavior change and greater compliance".

2.2. Specific Objectives:

The study will include a desk review of existing research, data collection through focus groups and key informant interviews, and hosting of an inter-agency workshop to present the findings of the study. The specific objectives are to:Assess the level of engagement and perception of armed groups in the Darfur region with humanitarian actors and activities;
Identify challenges faced and existing good practices by humanitarian actors and civil-military coordination mechanisms, in relation to access and armed groups;
Identify opportunities for enhanced engagement and coordination between humanitarian actors and armed groups;
Provide a platform for determining a more responsive coordination model, with a focus on armed groups.
III. Expected resultsThe level of knowledge of humanitarian access and civil-military coordination in Darfur is enhanced;
A comparative analysis of the data collected on trends, similarities and differences between the perspectives of the armed groups and those of the humanitarian community in terms of humanitarian access and civil-military coordination, supports the identification of a more responsive coordination model;
A clear assessment of the potential engagement of armed groups in civil-military coordination is completed, based on the data collected;
Guidance articulating the different options for coordination and engagement models, as well as recommendations for capacity building, are included in the study report.
IV. Methodological approach

4.1. Methodological Conduct

This study will be conducted in five stages:
Step 1: Desk Review

Review research and reports from Geneva Call and external sources, in relation to humanitarian access and civil-military coordination in Sudan with a focus on Darfur, and identify themes, relevant recommendations, and gaps.
Step 2: Field Data Collection

Conduct focus groups and key informant interviews in North and West Darfur with armed groups, humanitarian community, and other audiences as deemed necessary.
Step 3: Consolidation and Analysis of Data and Draft Report

Consolidate data from the desk review and field data collection and finalize first draft of Access Study Report.
Step 4: Presentation of Findings, and Revising Draft Study Report

An inter-agency workshop will be hosted by Geneva Call where the Consultant will share the findings of the draft report. Discussion and brainstorming between the workshop participants on the findings will generate recommendations on how to ensure a more responsive coordination model, with a focus on armed groups. The Consultant will revise the existing report recommendations to incorporate those generated through the workshop.

The report will be submitted to Geneva Calls management and legal counsel for final review and inputs.
Step 5: Consolidation and Finalization of the Report

The Consultant will incorporate all the comments and amendments into the final version of the report.
V. Consultant's mandate

The Consultant will be responsible for:Literature/desk review;
Collection and analysis of data;
Revision and completion of the report with recommendations;
Presentation the results of the research.
VI. DeliverablesA consolidated final report.
VII. DurationThe consultancy will last five (5) weeks, with exact number of working days to be determined.
VIII. Compulsory competencesGraduate degree in social sciences, International Humanitarian Law or related discipline;
At least 7 years of demonstrated experience in humanitarian programs and quantitative and qualitative data collection;
Experience in the field of protection, conflict prevention, conflict mediation, peacebuilding or related field working with civilian (civil society) and armed actors (State and non-state);
Good knowledge of data analysis techniques, particularly active participatory research methods;
Security sector knowledge;
Experience working in conflict affected areas;
Strong familiarity with the social and cultural context and gender dynamics in the Darfur region;
Working-level abilities in English (written and verbal), and Arabic (verbal);
Excellent research, writing, documentation, presentation and report writing skills;
Attention to detail and respect for tight deadlines.
Conflict of interest

Any candidate affiliated to, or openly supporting, one or more interest groups opposed to the Foundation’s principles and values, or whose previous position could engender safety issues for co-workers at Appel de Genève / Geneva Call, will be excluded from this selection process.
ConditionsPosition : Consultant
Type of Contract: Consultancy contract (5 weeks)
Activity rate: 100%
Applications must include:

- The Consultant’s CV highlighting relevant experience related to the mandate;

- A detailed technical and financial proposal;

- At least seven (7) years of experience related to the mandate.

How to apply
To apply please follow the link:


Deadline for submission of bids: 11:59PM Tuesday, July 29th 2022.

All applications will be kept confidential. Please note only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for further process.