Jul 23, 2022

Head of Global Security

Hiring Organization: Trócaire
Job Location: Ireland
Closing date5 Aug 2022

Employment Type: Full Time
Base Salary: TBD
Title: Head Of Global Security

The role of Head of Global Security is responsible for leading and managing security at an organisational level, including across all countries where we operate. This involves ensuring that the organisation has policies and procedures in place that guide and protect staff, that mitigate risk and that adhere to the highest standards of security management. The role sits in the International Operations Team and directly line manages a Global Security Adviser and oversees the work of fields based security staff.

For the candidate with the required experience and passion for the role, Trócaire offers a competitive package of salary and benefits. Reporting to Director of International, this is a contract of indefinite duration and is based in Maynooth - Ireland . The incumbent will manage one team member. Safeguarding Programme Participants-Children & Adults Trócaire is committed to safeguarding people within our programmes from exploitation and abuse and has specific policies on this commitment (including a Global Code of Conduct) which outlines the expected behaviour and the responsibility of all staff, consultants and other organisational representatives. Any candidate offered a job with Trócaire will be expected to sign Trócaire’s Safeguarding Policies and Global Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these documents. All offers of employment will be subject to pre employment checks including satisfactory references and appropriate screening (e.g. police/garda vetting, counter terrorism and anti-trafficking). Trócaire also participates in the InterAgency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme and all employees will be subject to this as part of contract of employment.

Key Duties & Responsibilities

1. Security strategy, plans and procedures

• Lead on the development and maintenance of organisational level Security Policies and Guidelines.

• Ensure that the organisation has a live Crisis Management Plan and the capacity to respond to a serious incident on an ongoing basis.

• Lead on providing the organisation with analysis and horizon scanning that enables the organisation to be prepared for and responsive to potential security risks.

• Develop the templates, guidance and supports that will enable Country Teams to develop Security Management Plans & ensure that these are in place across all countries.

• Ensure that the organisational travel and in country travel policies integrate security management.

• Regularly assess and report on compliance with policies, procedures and guidelines.

• Develop procedures for incident reporting and ensure that these are adhered to across the organisation.

• Lead on ensuring that the Executive Leadership team is informed of and engaged with issues of Security Management on an ongoing basis.

• As required, prepare reports detailing the management of security within the organisation for a variety of internal bodies such the Board and Executive Leadership Team.

• Track organisational security KPIs and bring any issues of a strategic nature to the ELT for action.

2. Training & Support

• Provide support to field offices and Ireland staff in identifying security training needs and solutions, including the identification of appropriate in-country options.

• When required, provide in-house security training for staff and prepare security briefing for non-staff personnel who are travelling under the auspices of Trócaire.

• Ensure that all staff in the organisation have the required security training prior to undertaking travel/deployment and that this is renewed according to policy.

• Stay abreast of major security/political/economic/social developments in the countries/regions Trócaire operates and advise staff on the security implications of any changes in these areas.

• Provide support for planning and execution of travel to high-risk locations, particularly countries where Trócaire does not have a permanent office.

• Together with the Global Security Adviser work on a strategy to ensure that Trócaire is identifying security risks for partners, particularly in FCAS contexts and work with country offices to access support and training for partners in these environments.

3. Assessment

• Undertake security assessments/audits of programme areas and potential programme areas and provide informed recommendations on the security situation and level of risk.

• Undertake site/office/residence security assessments as requested and advise on the overall security and the current security measures in place; advise relevant staff as to how to keep this information up to date and to maintain a high level of security awareness. Make recommendations tailored to the needs of each location. Develop systems to allow such security assessments to be carried out by other staff.

• Undertake country office security compliance monitoring and rapid response to incidents.

4. Line Management & Team

• Provide line management support, orientation and guidance to the Global Security Adviser

• Provide leadership and support to security staff based in country programmes

• Work with Security focal points across the organisation to support a team culture and a consistent approach to the management of security

5. Representation

• Develop and maintain good working relationships with security personnel in other organisations, particularly CAFOD (England & Wales) and SCIAF (Scotland), Cordaid & CRS with a similar approach to security as relevant and appropriate.

• Maintain and develop further relationships with Consular Section, Dept. of Foreign Affairs and An Garda Síochána, Special Detective Unit, Counter Terrorism (International) and where possible encourage joint trainings and exchange of information.

• Represent Trócaire at European Inter-agency Security Forum (EISF) meetings and at other networks as required.

• Liaise with country authorities and security networks (such as United Nations, embassies, security providers & other NGOs) to gather and verify security information on a regular basis.

• Represent at Trócaire at other meetings as required.

6. Travel

• Be willing to undertake fieldwork and undertake the above tasks in project locations worldwide, sometimes in insecure environments and at short notice. Overseas travel approximately 8-12 weeks per year.

Note: The above duties and responsibilities represent the current requirements of the role. The fluid and varied nature of the environments in which Trócaire works could require other tasks to be undertaken from time to time and at short notice. The nature of the role is also that it will likely require out of hours work and flexibility in terms of same.

Behavioural Competencies in Line with Trócaire’s Competency Framework

• Leading: Reflecting our values of Participation & Accountability, acts to inspire and lead others to achieve their potential, demonstrating Trócaire’s values with integrity in order to achieve our organisation’s objectives.

• Communicating: Reflecting our value of Participation, being one organisation, communicating clearly and transparently across, teams, units, divisions, locations and other external organisations. Getting our message across with impact.

• Collaborating: Reflecting our values of Participation & Solidarity, partnering effectively as One Trócaire organisation and, in solidarity, maintains positive relationships built on trust and respect.

• Stewardship of Resources: Reflecting our value of Accountability and decision-making around the best use of resources. Using our resources transparently, sustainably, ethically, fairly & with integrity; acknowledging Trócaire’s reputation in the use of resources.

• Delivering Results: Reflecting our values of Accountability & Perseverance, getting a quality job done through effective performance, planning and decision making.

• Continual Improvement & Learning: Reflecting our values of Participation & Courage, constantly looking to learn and develop self, employees, and partners to better fulfil Trócaire’s’ mission.

• Flexibility & Change: Reflecting our values of Participation & Courage, adapts positively to change and to different ways of doing things; manages or takes part in change processes in a way that is appropriate to role in the organisation.

Person Specification – Essential Requirements


• A specialised professional qualification or membership of professional institute in the security sector


• Significant international security management experience through national security forces and/or commercial international security.

• A sound understanding of international relations, geopolitics and ongoing international security issues

• People, team and organisational management experience

• Four years’ experience working in a security capacity with an international development or humanitarian NGO or multi-lateral agency (UN, EU) in a developing country

• Experience of security risk management standards, of undertaking security assessments and audits and implementing security management systems and protocols

• Experience of working in a variety of contexts and insecure environments

• Experience of developing, presenting and facilitating successful trainings and workshops.

• Some familiarity with humanitarian standards (e.g. Humanitarian Charter, SPHERE, People in Aid, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct and IHL instruments, HAP) • Experience of working with local partner organisations


• Excellent communication skills in written and oral English, with a proven ability to communicate across differences in culture and language.

• Ability to keep geographically dispersed teams aligned with a single overarching security strategy.

• Ability to collaborate with a variety of different team’s across the entire organisation and formulate bespoke solutions that are pragmatic and user friendly.

• Ability to establish and maintain strong relationships with a range of key internal and external stakeholders.

• Ability to identify risks and solve problems in a rapidly-changing context, particularly at times of crisis, while remaining calm and assuming a leadership role as required.


• An understanding of, and empathy with, the role of international NGOs in development and humanitarian response, in particular faith-based NGOs with a rights-focussed approach.


• Desirable working knowledge of French and/or Spanish and/or Arabic.

How to apply
Please apply online through the Trócaire Careers page using the link https://apply.workable.com/trocaire/j/979EE940FD/

Closing date for applications is COB Friday 5th August 2022