Aug 28, 2021

Sahel Security Focal Point , Mali

Location: Bamako , Mali
Closing date 31 Aug 2021

We seek to recruit a Sahel Security Focal Point to strengthen its capacities in terms of analysis of security contexts and of appropriate measures and protocols to reduce the risks associated with its presence in Sahelian countries.

Initially, a one-month stay is planned in Bamako and Niamey.

Then, the place of work will be fixed on one of the two cities with frequent trips in the zones of intervention  in Mali and in Níger.

Start of contract
October 2021

Contract length
12 months with possibility of renewal

Hierarchical dependency
MPDL security focal point (based at the organization's headquarters in Madrid)

Main responsibilities

Coordinate the realization, jointly with the other members of the team, of permanent analyzes of local, national and regional contexts related to security.
Update the security management tools (planes de seguridad, planes de evacuación, etc.) of the MPDL missions in Mali and Níger.
Develop and maintain an incident reporting system.
Develop the necessary security management procedures in all operational areas (técnica, financista, administrative, etc.) of MPDL in Mali and Níger.
Ensure the adequacy of the Stardard Operational Procedures put in place by our teams in each intervention zone to the security levels existing in said zones.
Asegurador de la formation del personal de MPDL en Mali y en Níger so that the personal has the necessary security skills in order to carry out his work adequately in the different contexts. To this end, the selected person will have to organize training and / or identify suitable training for our staff.
Create and maintain a network of key contacts in order to obtain relevant information for the analysis of the contextos of seguridad and the implementation of the MPDL management estrategia de riesgos in each country.
Represent MPDL in networks and platforms related to security management in each country.

Profile sought 

Estudios universitarios level BAC + 5.
Formación específica en gestión de riesgos de seguridad.
Training and experience in gender and / or human rights will be considered an asset.

Person of integrity with solid staff values, aligned with our mission, in particular committed to gender equality and women's rights.
Interpersonal communication skills in a multicultural environment, and written and oral communication.
Avoid the capacitaciones en lugar y animador de sesiones de formation y dinamización de equipos de trabajo de MPDL.
Great capacity for rigor, prioritization and sense of organization.
Be able to stay in rural areas as part of a support mission.

Experience working in a volatile security and political environment.
Experiencia de trabajo con organizaciones internacionales.
Proven skills in crisis management, negotiation, and personal training (Certification is a plus)

Fluency in written and spoken French. Proficiency in local languages ​​(Bambara in Mali and Hausa in Niger) will be considered an asset.
Computer science
Have a good knowledge of computers (Microsoft Office, Internet, etc.

Have a category A or B driving license.

How To Apply
Submit application to:

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