Aug 13, 2021

Health Coordinator - Yemen

Employer:  Première Urgence Internationale 
Location:   Sana'a   Yemen

Closing date15 Oct 2021

Fixed-term contract - 12 months
Starting date : 15th of September 2021

What about the Health Coordinator ?

As Health Coordinator, you will be responsible for the success of the mission’s medical strategy and the quality of current and future medical programmes at the definition, implementation and evaluation phases. You will provide support to programme managers who report to them on the basis of a dotted-line relationship.

For this purpose, you will be responsible for :
Strategy: Working alongside the Head of Mission and cooperating closely with the Head Office Medical Department, you will contribute to the development of new medical initiatives for the mission. You will carry out epidemiological monitoring for the country and analyse strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of public health.
Programmes: You will ensure that medical programme(s) are in line with PUI’s health policy and monitor them for quality and efficacy.
Representation: You will represent the association to partners, authorities and local stakeholders involved in implementing medical programmes.
Human Resources / Training: You will supervise the medical coordination team (PUI employees), provide support to programme managers for recruiting technical staff and supervise technical training activities on the basis of identified needs.
Medical and technical monitoring: You will ensure that medical and technical practices respect PUI’s procedures and formats and are in compliance with PUI’s operational framework and policy.
Logistics and Administration: You will ensure the activities for which you are responsible comply with logistical and administrative procedures.
Safety: You will contribute to compliance with safety rules within the mission and communicate any safety-related information to the Head of Mission. You will ensure healthcare is provided for expatriate staff involved in the mission.
The challenges that await you :
National team: remote management before even meeting national colleagues
Junior team in Mokha that needs lots of support
1) in the North, SCMCHA (Houthis coordination body) have illogical requests and MoPHP more interested in the budget than in the project's activities - NSA present everywhere
2) In the South: key MoPHP representatives rather corrupt.
Security: volatile, could stay unchanged for a long time, but could change in worse at any time in Hodeidah and Mokha.
What you will need to succeed
Training : You hold a Medical diploma or a Paramedic training, and completed a Medical Internship. If you got a Master’s degree in Pharmacy, Public Health or Project management, it would be an asset.
Experience : You are strengthened by minimum 3 years of experience in the field with international NGOs in medical project coordination. A previous experience as Medical Coordinator or in an equivalent position would be appreciated. You already worked with Première Urgence Internationale? It would be a definite asset!
Skills : You master humanitarian project management and team management, you have a detailed knowledge of donors prerequisites. You also have excellent writing skills.
You are a good communicator, both in writing and orally. You demonstrate good team spirit, the ability to make decisions, trustworthiness and a sense of responsibility, organisational skills, reactivity, ability to be thorough and to adapt. You have a strong ability to resist stress and particularly in unstable circumstances.
English has no secrets for you! All the better, it is mandatory for this position. If you speak Arabic, Spanish, and/or French, it would be a definite asset.
A word from the manager

« If you are a dynamic Med Co - if you can be patient and calm when you are confronted with irrational requests or statements from the MoPHP and other Authorities - if you feel galvanized by daily unexpected challenges - if you enjoy working with an experienced, committed and motivated national team - if you feel that your duty is to support and encourage national female colleagues - and if on top that you have a good sense of humour... come to work in Yemen! »
PUI will offer you
Status : Employé(e) with a Fixed-Term Contract
Monthly Gross Income : 2 200,00 - 2 530,00 EUR depending on your experience in International Solidarity + 50€ per semester of seniority with PUI
Insurance including medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation
Housing in collective accomodation
Daily Living Expenses ("Per Diem")
Break Policy : 5 working days every 2 months + break allowance
Paid Leaves Policy : 5 weeks of paid leaves per year + return ticket every 6 months.