Mar 24, 2021

Global Director of Safety and Security

Employer: International Rescue Committee
Location: Global , Various Locations
Closing date 31 May 2021

The Global Director for Safety and Security (GDSS) role is vital for safety and security management in the IRC. The GDSS will support IRC programs for both Refugees, Asylum seekers and Integration (RAI ) and Crisis, Response, Recovery and Development (CRRD ). The GDSS role is to lead cross cutting projects which will enhance IRC’s performance for safety and security management. IRC’s new organizational strategy – Strategy 100 - includes a highly ambitious program of evolution with objectives to increase the impact of IRC global operations and ensure those programs are sensitive to gender, inclusiveness, diversity and partnership with local actors.

The GDSS will collaborate with Regional Safety and Security Directors, with CRRD and RAI leaders and with stakeholders from various departments in IRC to ensure these strategic projects for Safety and Security are effectively managed accomplish the intended objectives.

The GDSS reports to the Chief Safety and Security Officer. The GDSS will be primarily responsible for developing and maintaining systems and procedures which integrate with gender, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) and Partnership Excellence for Equality and Results System (PEERs).

The secondary responsibility for the GDSS is to act as deputy to RSSDs, for example during periods when RSSD is dedicated to crisis response, during periods of absence/vacancy or when surge capacity is required.

Major Responsibilities:

The GDSS will dedicate approximately 50% of their time towards:

•Lead the development of analytics for S&S decision making; defining KPIs; development of online reporting tools;
•Lead the development or revision of key S&S protocols and guidance, for example kidnap management;
•Lead the development of S&S policy and practice for IRC’s expanding work in partnership with Civil Society Organizations, local government and private enterprises;
•Lead other emerging cross-cutting projects for RAI and CRRD security management;

The GDSS will dedicate approximately 30% of their time towards:

•Coordinate with Gender, Safeguarding and DEI units to ensure that S&S policies and practice are aligned with emerging best practice;
•Coordinate with IRC’s Project Frontline/Access Unit and act as thought leader to the development of IRC’s best practice for humanitarian access. Ensure coordination and alignment of expectations and focus between access efforts managed and initiated by S&S personnel and Project Frontline.
•Support the S&S Learning & Development Director to identify key competencies and learning objectives.
•Support the S&S Global Security Manager in the development of field-facing contextual analysis tools and approaches to guide country programs for security risk assessments and for Strategic Action Plans (SAP).
•Support the S&S Global Security Manager with the rationalization and simplification of existing IRC S&S protocols and guidance documents
•Represent IRC in global S&S fora and towards global humanitarian actors, for example GISF, Interaction, UNDSS.

The GDSS will dedicate approximately 20% of their time to act as Roving RSSD:

•Cover for RSSD during period of vacation/absence/vacancy;
•Support for RSSD with surge capacity, for example during crisis periods, country start-ups, etc.;

Job Requirements:
•8-10+ years senior international security management experience
•Led multiple and concurrent international security programs in multiple countries for a large INGO
•Bachelor’s degree in security or business continuity – or relevant experience
•Background in humanitarian programs – funded by agencies such as USAID and DFID
•Demonstrable skills in diplomacy and coordination within integrated teams
•Strong education and training qualifications and experience (including implementing management and staff training programs)
•Strong program management qualifications and experience
•Good understanding of business and contracts management
•Effective plan and protocol writing skills; able to maintain regional and country level plans and protocols
•Able to consolidate intelligence to produce threat assessments and recommendations; tracking and assessing fast moving human-made threats and natural hazards
•Proven leadership capabilities within complex and high stress situations; proven experience in managing fast tempo and dynamic crisis events
•Self-motivated and able to work independently
•Able to multi-task concurrent needs under duress; the ability to manage significant workload, stress and tight deadlines
•Excellent and persuasive communicator
•Ability to travel 50% of time including in very short notice
•Fluency in French and or Arabic preferred

Working Environment: Standard office work environment.