Jun 7, 2018

Security and Access Coordinator , South Sudan

Location: South Sudan
Closing date: 30 Jun 2018

We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Safety and Access Coordinator who possesses excellent context analysis skills. You are someone who believes that prevention is protection. You will be inspired by NP’s current programming aimed at reducing violence and increasing the safety and security of civilians and have the skills and experience to be able to conduct continuous contextual analysis and coordination with all actors in the region to minimize risk to personnel.. You have experience working in a team that is diverse in age, gender, nationality and ethnicities and recognize richness of this environment and the importance of incorporating diverse experiences and perspectives.

The Security and Access Coordinator will be responsible for safety, security and access for the team working to implement NP’s project “Reducing Violence and Increasing the Safety and Security of Civilians in Greater Upper Nile, South Sudan.” The project will have three programming components which will center upon GBV prevention and response, child protection and protection coordination, information and advocacy

The Safety and Access Coordinator will be responsible for providing security updates, context analyses, contextual understanding, managing critical incidents, and providing timely advice. S/he will coordinate closely with other actors to minimise risks to personnel. S/he will support the team to negotiating access to various areas of Unity State, building strong relationships with stakeholders.S/he will work closely with the Team Leader in the field to ensure that organizational security policies and procedures are responsive to the context, adequate and known to staff, and in line with NP Safety and Security Standards.

The Security and Access Coordinator will be based in Bentiu, working to support the Northern Unity team, who will be based in Rubkona County and with a mobile response to Mayom and Guit counties; and the Southern Unity team, who will be based in Juba with mobile missions to Leer, Mayendit, Paniyjiar and Koch counties.

Please email your updated CV to: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.com

(Email available to members ONLY)