Dec 13, 2016

Police and Justice Advisers

Employer: Adam Smith International
Location: Kenya

Job Description

The Justice, Peacebuilding and Security Team is looking to expand its network of policing and justice sector experts with proven international advisory experience and an interest in taking up either short or longer term assignments on international projects.

Assignments are likely to be located in fragile or conflict-affected environments in the East, West, Subsaharan Africa, MENA or South Asia regions.

About the role

Applicants should demonstrate a minimum of ten years’ relevant experience, with policing or justice sector knowledge and skills and a minimum of two years’ international experience, in relation to one or more of the following areas:
Justice sector reform – strategy and policy development, capacity-building; training prosecutors and judges; counter-terrorism investigations; case management; cross-sector coordination; legislative frameworks; use of evidence and developing core legal reasoning skills
Policing reform – strategy and policy development; Ministry of Interior reform, oversight and professional standards; training, mentoring and institutional reform; criminal investigations; community policing; gender in policing; formal and informal policing mechanisms
Counter terrorism and stabilisation – counter terrorism investigations; legal compliance and oversight; cross-sector coordination; civil society engagement and countering violent extremism
Cross-cutting technical skills – violence against women and girls; strategic communications; human rights; conflict analysis
Cross-cutting project management skills – technical and financial project design, management, monitoring and evaluation; team leadership; multi-donor and multi-stakeholder relationship management
Enhancing the physical security of police and judicial personnel, transport and buildings
Language skills – working knowledge of Arabic, Urdu or Pashto is beneficial but not required