Mar 1, 2012

Operations Security Support Representative , Ras Al Khair - Mining & Metals

Job Duties:
Provides security services at the Ras Al Khair project site.
Assists the Project Security Management in the development, implementation, and conduction of security programs and activities so as to respond to security conditions and incidents, and minimize risk of personal, physical or financial harm to the jobsite.
Maintains relationships with peers in appropriate law enforcement, security agencies and private sector counterparts
Assists with the supervision of administration, operations, policy formulation and activities of a project’s security program to ensure compliance with governmental agency security regulations, including obtaining security clearances as required.
Assists in supervising the coordination, development and implementation of policies, procedures and systems to maintain, measure, and enhance the overall security function within the project
Will be acquainted with contract specifications for contract security services, actively supervising contractor activities to ensure that the required level of performance is achieved.
Will be dedicated to the supervision of the badging process, access control activities, security personnel performance and physical security measures integrity status, relating with contractor, client and other project entities.
Will conduct security awareness, education and orientation programs for project staff as required.
Conducts security supervision to ensure compliance with security programs; identifies and reports discrepancies and informs Project Security Manager of the status of the security program and problem areas.
In cooperation with Project Security Management, supports investigations of criminal acts and potential threats against Bechtel’s interests.
Supervises specialized training for assigned security staff, as required...[ Continue reading ]