Mar 22, 2011

WPS- Protective Security Specialist


SOC has been awarded the BESF contract for the Department of State's Worldwide Protective Services (WPS III) Program.

Due to the contract being awarded, SOC is recruiting for a Protective Security Specialist (PSS.


Perform the day-to-day protective security functions as specified in daily post and detail orders.

Driving the lead vehicles (Auto, Aircraft, Boat), principal's vehicle, or follow-vehicle, whenever required in motorcade or similar operations.
Driving follow-vehicle and/or acting as response agent.
Carries and operates weapons as specified in daily post and detail orders, or upon orders from the detail leader or shift leader.
Maintaining protective formation position during principal's walking movements.
Participating in advance security preparations.
Manning the security post at principals residence or manning the command post as required.........[More]